
Lesen Bio

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axelsgirl08's avatar

Literature Text

Name: Lesen (no known last name)

SAA*: 16

Height: 5’2 ( I can’t remember but she is short)

Weight: don’t ask

Build: Short, she’s got them baby making hips

Race: Full Demon

Class: Lesser

Eye color: Amber

Skin color: Tan

Hair Length: Long to mid back messy bangs

Hair Color: Black with red

Personality: Simple, loving.

Favorite Food: I don’t think I ever picked something.

Hobbies: Her animals, and reading

Random Facts: uses sex to get more animals. Snuck out at a young age to go to the zoo and steal Willis her grizzle bear

Short Bio and Description

Lesen was my very first demon after Allissa created Seve.  I loved the idea and thus she was created. Lesen joins the group of 3, herself, Seve and Kage (who later becomes her husband). Seve her brother (if you read Allissa’s Seve and Kage bios and short stories you will know this) came to Kage at a young age. She didn’t remember much of her family other than the fighting. It is something that still to this day freak her out.  She can’t stand it when people fight for any reason.  Lesen is a kind hearted push over at times. Due to being raised by two boys, one , her brother who was hardly around, the other, her future husband gave her everything, she doesn’t grasp life all that well. She is an adult in body but a child in her mind. Once a month she changes, like a period so to speak but not. Her attitude, everything, she becomes overly sexual and likes to be by herself and read. This is Kage’s favorite time with her.  She gave him 4 kids (so far) 1 daughter and 3 boys who all except one has had their own kids.

There’s plenty more about her but the rest is with her family.  

   SSA*-stopped aging at

:icontkdluver: started these so I figured I should add mine as well
© 2016 - 2024 axelsgirl08
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TKDluver's avatar
XD I have encourages you!